First Community Bank Community Seminars Share Paths to Home and Business Ownership
Tynetta Thomas attended the first Advancing the Dream event in 2019 — a joint event hosted by First Community Bank and Glory Communications. At the seminar, attendees could learn steps to home ownership, about credit or credit repair, and more to help them toward the goal of owning a home.
“I heard on WFMV that they wanted people to attend who were interested in buying a home,” she says. “That was right where we were except, we knew our credit wasn’t what it should have been.” Owning their home was important to the couple because they wanted their children to have something that had eluded many of their family members.
At the event, they met a First Community Bank lender, took notes and learned about topics like credit repair and the real estate market. “When we went home, we made a commitment to stick to the notes and came up with a plan,” says Tynetta. “Six months later we closed on our first home.”
Over six months, they followed the steps. They worked on their credit, got their finances in order, and in time paid off their debt. While they did the work, they credit the Advancing the Dream event for giving them a roadmap to follow. “If you’re serious about buying a home, they will give you all the tools and advice that you need,” she explains. “After that, it’s just about your mindset.”

left to right - Alex Snipe, Alexis Campbell, Tynetta Thomas, Hunter Cole
The experience was so positive, she once again found herself at a community seminar in support of business ownership. This time, it was First Community Bank’s Access to Capital event. The bank again partnered with Glory Communications and included other local organizations that could be resources for an aspiring business owner.
Today, Tynetta is the owner and operator of Breath of Life Academy for Tots, a preschool for children ages 2-5. “At the Access to Capital event, I found resources that helped me develop my business plan and get ready to present myself to banks,” she says with a laugh. “Because starting a business is a whole ‘nother level than just getting a mortgage.”